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Attention: 2016/2017 Lagos state poly. Aspirant

We now have whatsapp group for you guys to relate with other aspirant and our team for all gist/assistant regarding the above stated school...

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Saturday, 9 April 2016

UNIPORT 1st Semester Exam Date & Notice to Defaulters – 2015/16

University of Port-Harcourt, UNIPORT first semester, 2015/2016 academic session exam date and important notice to all defaulters.
Authority of the University of Port-Harcourt (UNIPORT) has announced the first semester, 2015/2016 academic session examination period and also announced that only bonafide students would be allowed to participate in the exam.
UNIPORT First Semester examination for 2015/2016 session will commence onMonday, 11th April, 2016and endFriday 29th April, 2016.
In accordance with Senate regulations, only those who paid their school charges and registered their courses online arebonafidestudents in the 2015/2016 session and are elligible to write the examinations.
In the light of the foregoing, the university has made provision for only the bonafide students for this session.
All bonifide students are by this notice reminded to print out their online Course Registration Slip from their student portal, and present it at their respective examination venues.

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