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Lenovo Laptop on Promo (Konga)

Lenovo Laptop on Promo (Konga)
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Saturday, 5 December 2015

Beware! Using a CONDOM is pointless if you do these 9 things During S*x

While only abstinence can give you 100% protection from STDs and STIs, proper use of the co ndom can give you as much as 98% and keep yousafe. But, if you do any or all of the things listed below, you only wasted your time!
Using a co ndom is one of the best ways to have s ex safely – with up to 98% efficiency.
Not only do they help prevent pregnancies, they protect from s exually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) and s exually Transmitted Infections (STIs).
co ndom use is now a norm.
However, the truth however is that co ndom is only useful and effective if it is properly used.
This means a person may get 0% protection even though they used a co ndom – they simply did not use it right.
Therefore, if you do any or all of the things listed below, you only wasted your time:
You store the co ndom in your pockets/wallet. Where you keep a co ndom matters. In your wallet or pocket, it can get compromised because of the regular friction and warm temperature.
You used it beyond expiry date. Like every other thing, co ndoms have expiry date and they offer little or no protection after that.
You use your teeth/sharp object to open the wrapper.Your teeth can cause a tear in the co ndom. The packet should be opened with your bare fingers.
You wear it after gen italcontact. The best thing to do is to wear your co ndom before any genitalcontactto protect you from other fluids like pre-c um (men) and va gina fluids.
You wear it too tight on your pen is. When you wear a co ndom, leave a small space for ejac ulation and sp erm collection at the tip. This will prevent leakage and rupture of the co ndom when you ejac ulate..
You wear the wrong size. The wrong size means the co ndom is either too small or too big. Neither is good because the co ndom can tear, leak sp erm, or fall off inside the va gina.
You touch the co ndom with sp erm. If you touch the co ndom with a hand that you have previously used to touch sp erm, you have compromised it. So remove it and wear another.
You do not roll up the co ndom totally. The co ndom should cover up your pen is to the base, near your scr otum. So roll it up totally, until you reach the ring.
You use reuse a used co ndom. Once a co ndom is taken off, after ejac ulation or after an initial attempt to wear it, take it off, and get another one. Never reuse a co ndom.
While only abstinence can give you 100% protection from STDs and STIs, proper use of the co ndom can give you as much as 98% and keep yousafe.
So ensure that you are as conscious about how you use it as you are about actually using it.
Have s ex, have fun, but stay healthy.
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TASUED 200L Students CBT C.A Exam Date & Time – 2015/16

This is to inform all 200 level students of the Tai Solarin University of Education (TASUED) that the management of the university has scheduled the C.A Exams date and time as follows:
GNS212MONDAY: 07/12/15 time: 8.00am
GNS213 TUESDAY: 08/12/15 time: 8.00am


IBBU Registration Deadline For 2015/2016 Announced

The Management of Ibrahim Badamasi Babangia University, Lapai wish to notify fresh and returning students that late registration begins on Monday 14th December, 2015 and ends on Thursday 24th December, 2015.
Failure to register at the expiration of the late registration period amounts to forfeiture of 2015/2016 session

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