The Micheal Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike has announced its 2015/2016 post-UTME application process.
Due to recent JAMB guidelines on admissions in Tertiary Institutions whereby JAMB Shortlists UTME Candidates, those who applied for admissions into first degree programmes in Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike and scored 180 and above should check for their names in the University’s web portal ( to confirm if they have been shortlisted for Post-UTME by JAMB.
Screening Dates
DAY 1: Thursday 20/8/2015
Morning Session
All Programmes in the College of EngineeringEngineering Technology(CEET).
(b)All Programmes in the College of PhysicalApplied Sciences(COLPAS)
(c)Some Programmes in the College of AgriculturalScience Education (CASE)
Afternoon Session
(a) All Programmes in the College of Natural Sciences (COLNAS)
(b) All Programmes in the College of Veterinary Medicine(CVM)
(c) Some Programmes in the College of AgriculturalScience Education(CASE).
DAY II: Friday 21/8/2015
1. Morning Session
All Programmes in the College of Management Sciences(COLMAS)
Some Programmes in the College of AgriculturalScience Education (CASE
2. Afternoon Session
All Programmes in the College of Applied Food ScienceTourism (CAFST)
All Programmes in the College of Agricultural Economics, Rural SociologyExtension(CAERSE).
All Programmes in the College of CropSoil Sciences(CCSS)
All Programmes in the College of Animal ScienceAnimal Production (CASAP)
All Programmes in the College of Natural ResourcesEnvironmental Management (CNREM).
Some Programmes in the College of Agricultural Education (CASE)
Information on venue for each programme and related issues concerning the exercise would be available on the University website and would also be widely circulated on campus.
Candidates should note that the use of handsets, scientific calculators and other electronic devices will not be allowed during the screening exercise. Candidates should also note that incorrect on-line registration will not be captured in our data base.
Due to recent JAMB guidelines on admissions in Tertiary Institutions whereby JAMB Shortlists UTME Candidates, those who applied for admissions into first degree programmes in Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike and scored 180 and above should check for their names in the University’s web portal ( to confirm if they have been shortlisted for Post-UTME by JAMB.
Screening Dates
DAY 1: Thursday 20/8/2015
Morning Session
All Programmes in the College of EngineeringEngineering Technology(CEET).
(b)All Programmes in the College of PhysicalApplied Sciences(COLPAS)
(c)Some Programmes in the College of AgriculturalScience Education (CASE)
Afternoon Session
(a) All Programmes in the College of Natural Sciences (COLNAS)
(b) All Programmes in the College of Veterinary Medicine(CVM)
(c) Some Programmes in the College of AgriculturalScience Education(CASE).
DAY II: Friday 21/8/2015
1. Morning Session
All Programmes in the College of Management Sciences(COLMAS)
Some Programmes in the College of AgriculturalScience Education (CASE
2. Afternoon Session
All Programmes in the College of Applied Food ScienceTourism (CAFST)
All Programmes in the College of Agricultural Economics, Rural SociologyExtension(CAERSE).
All Programmes in the College of CropSoil Sciences(CCSS)
All Programmes in the College of Animal ScienceAnimal Production (CASAP)
All Programmes in the College of Natural ResourcesEnvironmental Management (CNREM).
Some Programmes in the College of Agricultural Education (CASE)
Information on venue for each programme and related issues concerning the exercise would be available on the University website and would also be widely circulated on campus.
Candidates should note that the use of handsets, scientific calculators and other electronic devices will not be allowed during the screening exercise. Candidates should also note that incorrect on-line registration will not be captured in our data base.