Top youth radio show “Young and Cerebral” is back with 2015 Young and Cerebral competition tagged “The role of innovation in creating the Nigeria of my dream”. This year’s winners will take home cash prizes, smart phones, laptops and printers. This competition is opened to people between the ages of (18-35 years old).
The 2015 Young & Cerebral Essay Competition showcases and rewards the creative #writing talents of young people across Nigeria, providing a platform for them to compete with their peers in the different regions, which make up this unique nation. This #essay is in line with Young & Cerebral’s mission, which essentially is to inspire, to empower and to provide opportunities for the youth segment.
Young and Cerebral Essay Competition Topic.
The Role of Innovation in Creating the Nigeria of My Dreams
Young and Cerebral Essay Competition Rules & Regulations.
1. The competition is open to citizens of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
2. All candidates must be legal residents of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
3. The candidate must be aged between 18-35 years
4. The essay must be typed in Microsoft Word
5. The essay submitted must not be more than five hundred and Fifty words (550 Words). Failure to comply with this shall lead to automatic disqualification.
6. All entries must be written in English language.
7. The candidate must only apply based on the topic that should be submitted electronically. Multiple applications will be disqualified.
9. The candidate’s bio-data shall be used by Young & Cerebral for publicity purposes.
10. Plagiarism will not be permitted. All entries must be properly referenced. Please note that information from Wikipedia or any wiki links websites are not allowed as forms of reference for this competition:. The research must reflect appropriate and relevant reviewed journals as well as legitimate websites.
Young and Cerebral Essay Competition – How to Apply.
All applications should be sent toec2015@y in MSWord using “Book Antiqua” fonts/size 12 with the applicant’s full details (Full Names, Age, Gender, Email Addresses, Phone Contact, School/Institution, State of Residence). Only Successful candidates will be contacted.
Winners will be announced in December, on our radio programme, social media platforms and the winning articles will be published in a major print publication and across several websites, blogs and more.
Entry Opens:12th October, 2015
Deadline:12th November, 2015