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Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Academic Excellence This Nigerian girl got admission into ALL 8 best universities in USA

A high-school student, Augusta Uwamanzu-Nna, based in Long Island, New York, has been admitted into all eight Ivy Leaguevarsitiesin USA.
She has gained admission into Brown University,Columbia University,Cornell University,Dartmouth College,Harvard University,Princeton University, theUniversity of PennsylvaniaandYale University.
She also gained admission toJohns Hopkins University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,New York UniversityandRensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
As a daughter of Nigerian immigrants, Augusta says her parents has instilled the right discipline which has gotten her to where she is today.
“Though I was born here in America, I visited Nigeria many times,” she said in an interview. “And I’ve seen that my cousins don’t have the same opportunities that I have. So definitely, whatever I do, I want to make sure that it has an impact on Nigeria.”
She has also stated that her success did not come easy.
“I’ve struggled with numerous classes in the past. But I guess what allowed me to be successful, ultimately, in those classes, at the end, is my persistence and my tenacity.”
With a GPA of 101.6, Augusta has also recently been invited into the White House Science Fair. Evidently, she hasn’t decided which college to attend, but who can blame her? She is allowed to take a moment to bask in her many choices.

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