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Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Yobe State University CRCDHS Job Vacancies

Request for Resources Persons at Yobe State University, Damaturu. Center for Research and Capacity Development in Humanitarian Studies (CRCDHS).

Learning Resource Area:Emergency Response, Rehabilitation and Recovery
AGENCY/PROJECT NAME:Yobe State University, Damaturu. Center for Research and Capacity Development in Humanitarian Studies (CRCDHS)
Country/Region:Lake Chad Region (Initially targeting North East Nigeria)

The Resource Persons selected will have the following expertise:
*.Minimum – Masters University Degree in Humanitarian Studies, Emergency Response, Arts, Law, Human Rights or associated and relevant knowledge areas.
*.S/he should have at least five years’ experience of institutional capacity development interventions targeting humanitarian, recovery and rehabilitation organizations in conflict or recovery in Africa.
*.Good knowledge of traditional structures, community based civil society organizations and community based organizations in Africa.
*.At least three years’ practitioner technical design and implementation in respective area of expertise as be learning areas (B-) above.
*.Excellent facilitation and training skills
*.Excellent track record in academic writing and publications
*.Experience in undertaking similar assignments in Africa
*.Ability to work independently with minimal supervision
Interested and qualified candidates should submit their applications with the subject clearly marked as follows: The Director,crcdhs@
Please submit a CVs (3 pages Maximum per CV) containing a comprehensive profile of similar or comparable facilitation or resource person activity and referees to:Ali Haruna, Director, CRCDHS: or visit /web/index.php/membershipfor more info.

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