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Sunday, 20 March 2016

Dear parents, could your child have done better in the just concluded exams.

Nothing is more painful for a parent than seeing their child come home from an exam with a look of defeat, knowing that the exam was a disaster. Or when your kid brings back his report card and doesn’t have the pride to show you the results of the term’s work. Well, another term just ended, could your child have done better?
There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure - Colin Powell
When you go through your children’s reports the questions that should be on your mind are, could your child have done better? What would be required for your child to do better? If you needed the help of an expert to help your children reach his full potential or perhaps transcend his potential, would you invest in getting such an expert?
Without denying the fact that children need time to play there is a great need for consistency in their learning especially if you want them to be distinguished among their peers. Holidays are awesome for kids to rest and relax, but for the ones who are performing below their own potential, it is certainly the time to have them catch up and exceed all expectations. There is nothing wrong in teaching kids the importance of consistent hard work while letting them enjoy breaks and fun times daily instead of across a long period
Well how do you do this??

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