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Attention: 2016/2017 Lagos state poly. Aspirant

We now have whatsapp group for you guys to relate with other aspirant and our team for all gist/assistant regarding the above stated school...

Lenovo Laptop on Promo (Konga)

Lenovo Laptop on Promo (Konga)
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Monday, 20 July 2015

Important Notice to OAU 2014/15 Fresh Undergraduates

If you partook in the ICT training for Fresh Undergraduate students that held between May 30 and July 3, 2015 at the University ICT Centre, you are required to cross-check your respective faculty list for the correctness of your name. If there is any mistake in your name spelling or ordering, kindly come to the University ICT Centre between the hours of 9 and 11 on Friday, July 31st for correction.
Do note your serial number on faculty list.
Go to to view the list.

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Jumia GiveAway Sales on Powerbank- Hurry and get yours!!!!!

Jumia GiveAway Sales on Powerbank- Hurry and get yours!!!!!
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