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Attention: 2016/2017 Lagos state poly. Aspirant

We now have whatsapp group for you guys to relate with other aspirant and our team for all gist/assistant regarding the above stated school...

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Tuesday, 23 June 2015

TASUED Important Notice to 200 Level Students – 2014/15

Tai Solarin University of Education, TASUED important notice to 200 level undergraduates as regards their GNS 221 Continuous Assessment for first semester, 2014/2015 academic session.
This is to inform all 200 level students of Tai Solarin University of Education (TASUED) that the Continuous Assessment for GNS221 is going to be conducted as e-test which is slated for:
Date:Saturday, 27th June, 2015
Venue: Ososa E-Learning Centre, Ososa
Time:COAEVOT 8-9am
COSMAS 9-10am
COSIT 10-11am
COHUM 11-12pm
Any student who misses this test is deemed to have missed the C.A. for the course.
ELIGIBILITY:Students must have fully paid and registered for the course for 2014/2015 Session.

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