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Wednesday, 17 June 2015

How To Manage Examination Anxiety

Examination is a review of what has been learnt. It provides avenue for feedback and evaluation for placement, selection and promotion.

Anxiety on the other hand, is a psychological state of restlessness, normally associated with feelings of insecurity, loss of self-worth and inadequacy. During examination, students often experience high level of anxiety even when they know the materials well. Though, every individual requires a minimal dosage of anxiety as a pre-requisite for motivation impetus.

Insomnia/Restlessness, Inability to concentrate, Boredom, Increased Heartbeat,
Confusion/Intense sweating, etc.

Approach the examination with confidence: Use whatever you can to personalise
success; visualisation, taking to yourself, practice, team work etc.

Be prepared: Learn your materials thoroughly and organise the materials you will need for the examination. Allow yourself plenty of time. Strive for a relaxed state of concentration.
Get a good night’s sleep, the night before the examination.

Wishing all our students outstanding success in their examinations!

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