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Thursday 28 January 2016

'History, religious studies to be compulsory in secondary schools,' minister for education

History and religious subjects are to become compulsory in all public primary and secondary schools in Nigeria, the Minister of Education, Mr Adamu Adamu has said.
 Adamu Adamu, minister for education
History and religious studies are to become compulsory in all public primary and secondary schools in Nigeria, the Minister of Education, Mr Adamu Adamu has said.

Adamu who disclosed the Federal Government plan at the closing ceremony of the National Qur'anic Recitation Competition held in Lafia, Nasarawa State, added that the curriculum was part of efforts towards improving the educational sector and moral values.

The circular would soon be released regarding to the compulsory teaching of religious subjects and history in schools,” Adamu said.

Adamu added that the present government is committed towards improving the quality of education both in public and private schools in the country.
He urged parents, particularly those in rural areas, to encourage their wards to go to schools.

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