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Tuesday 8 December 2015

Police Arrest Katsina Lecturer Over Sexual Harassment

A philandering lecturer of the Katsina State
School of Nursing and Midwifery (names witheld)
has been apprehended by the police for allegedly
attempting to have carnal knowledge with one of
the female students. gathered that
the lecturer asked the female student out and
threatened to fail her if she failed to agree to his
Sources said the female student had severally
rebuffed the advances of the lecturer but
became agitated when the lecturer threatened to
fail her if she refused to succumb.
It was further gathered that following the threat
from the lecturer, the female student reported
the case to her parents.
The student was said to have been instructed by
her parents to play along last weekend when the
said lecturer invited her to a popular hotel
located in Katsina municipal. The lecturer made
the advances again and was apprehended by the
A staff of the institution told our correspondent
on condition of anonymity that the school held
an emergency meeting on the incident but
declined to say what resolutions were reached
on the matter.
When our correspondent contacted the principal,
Muhammad Lawal Danja on phone, he said the
matter was under investigation and, therefore, he
could not make any statement on it.

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