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Wednesday 16 December 2015

NANS Calls For The Revocation Of"Dr."Buhari's Degree, Insists It's Fraudulent

The National Association of Nigerian Students has called for the revocation of President Muhammadu’s Buhari’s honorary doctorate degree because he has not cleared the air on his certificate saga.

A few days ago, a Honorary Doctorate Degree was conferred on the President by the Kaduna State University.
The President of the student’s body, Comrade Tijani Usman reportedly said Kaduna State University is not authorised to confer doctorate degrees.
Usman said “It is quite unfortunate that at a time we are clamouring for re positioning of our educational sector, our leaders are doing the opposite by their actions and inactions.

“The show of shame that took place in Kaduna State University (KASU) on 12 December, 2015, is capable of making foreign Universities and corporate organizations to further undermine and disregard degrees obtained from Nigerian schools.
“We expect our leaders to be our role models by living exemplary life. How can one explain that, President Muhammadu Buhari who has not even cleared the air on his certificate saga, still went ahead to accept a fraudulent honorary degree from a university that is not authorized by National Universities Commission (NUC) to do so.
“The honorary doctorate degree conferred on President Buhari is illegal and non sequitur because,” stressing that the “KASU is not among the 22 universities accredited by NUC to award honorary degree.

“KASU was established 10 years ago, and has never graduated a PhD student.
”Section 2.0 subsection (a) of the Council of VCs Keffi declaration 2012, prohibits the award of honorary degrees to persons holding political offices.
The student body demanded that “President Muhammadu Buhari should honourably relinquish the fraudulent

“That NUC should with immediate effect sanction KASU for contravening its rules and regulations.
“That Academic Staff of Universities (ASUU) and Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Universities (SSANU) should sanction the entire management team of KASU for making a mockery of Nigerian universities.”

NANS urged Buhari to desist from procuring fraudulent degrees and focus on governance because, our country is faced with terrorism, economic hardship, religious crises and political tension.

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