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Friday 21 August 2015

Student Writes Exam On Wedding Day In Her Wedding Dress

Student of Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, Owo (RUGIPO), Ondo State were flabbergast when a lady stormed the exam hall garbed in wedding gown.
According to the Nation, an HND 1 Accountancy student of Department of Accountancy, Oluwatunmise Adejube had no choice than to appear to write her examination after she was pronounced a new bride.
Adejube was accompanied by a group of young ladies, who stormed the school in a convoy of three exotic cars

After she said “yes I do” to her beau, Oluwatumise, a student of Department of Accountancy, hurriedly left the Owo Local Government Area, where she swore matrimonial oath, and rushed to the school for her Higher National Diploma (HND) 1 examination.

It was gathered that an hour later, Oluwatunmise was on her way from the examination hall to reception, where her husband and guests were waiting for her.

An invigilator, who spoke told the Nation on condition of anonymity, said Oluwatumise was allowed to write the paper despite her lateness for the exam because of her determination not to be carried away by the euphoria of her wedding.

Speaking with our reporter after writing the paper, Oluwatumise, who now answers Mrs Adesina, said she had no choice than to leave the court room to write the paper, stressing that her education was as important to her as her marriage.

She said: “When the wedding date was fixed some months ago, nobody knew it would clash with my second semester examination. What appears to be a saving grace for me is that, both the wedding and examination are taking place in the same town. If otherwise, I would have missed the three-unit paper and carry it automatically.”

The groom, Adesina, told the Nation that he was startled when his bride told him the examination timetable clashed with the wedding. He said he , Production Management, was considered the toughest and her spouse would be writing the paper on the day of their wedding.

He said: “I really praised her dogged determination. It was like a tug of war because she had to prepare for her exam and ran around for the wedding at the same time. Now that the confusion is over, I give thanks to God for making it easy for us.”

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