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Thursday 13 August 2015

JAMB, Post UTME, CBT UNIJOS don says computer based test discriminate against rural students

Computer based tests discriminate against rural students who have had little experience with computers, saysUniversity of Jos(UNIJOS) don,James Bature.
Speaking with theNews Agency of Nigeria(NAN) in Kaduna on Wednesday, Bature said theJoint Admission and Matriculation Board(JAMB) introduction of the computer-based test (CBT) mode in the admission process cheats out rural students.
He argued that most of the students from rural communities have no computer proficiency and are thus at a disadvantage through no fault of theirs.
"These students tried so hard to get the required number of credits for admission into tertiary institutions, and they are now compelled to write JAMB and post-UTME using computer," Bature said.
"Most of these children never saw a computer throughout their primary and secondary school education, but they are now subjected to compete with other children that use computers as toys.
"We are talking about building an egalitarian society, but structurally we are scheming the rural population out of the process."
The don noted that the admission process must be modified to take in the differences in computer proficiency.
"If we really meant to carry everybody along, then the government must incorporate local circumstances to admission process.
“Otherwise, some people will be completely excluded from the having access to tertiary education."
"Government must intervene in the admission process, by making it less expensive, less cumbersome and less sophisticated."
The 2015 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) is the first time that JAMB conducted its examination in the full CBT mode.

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