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Tuesday 23 June 2015

UNIJOS is 9th preferred nationwide, 3rd in Northern Nigeria — VC

TheUniversity of Jos(UNIJOS), Plateau State, is one of the most preferred universities in Nigeria despite the insurgency in parts of the North.
UNIJOS Vice-Chancellor, Prof.Hayward Mufuyai, said that the university is experiencing peace and tranquillity, hence the fact that admission figures into the institution has not dropped.
Mufuyai stated this when he led a delegation to the palace of the Olowo of Owoland, ObaVictor Olateru Olagbegi, the new Chancellor of the university.
The Voce Chancellor noted that UNIJOS is the 9th most preferred in the whole country, bettered only by two institutions in the entire northern region.
“By JAMB’s statistics of the last admission, University of Jos is the ninth on the list of most preferred institution in the entire federation, and in the northern part of the country, we are the third most preferred after the University of Ilorin and the Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria,” Mafuyai said.
He added that, even though the institution faces funding challenges, a lot is hoped for in the coming days.
“We have very high expectations for better days ahead due to the calibre of people who form the institution’s Council because we know that the experiences they have from the public and private sector will bear positively on the governance of the institution for best practices so that we can deliver more for the country."
Olagbegi was one time the Chancellor on theUniversity of Benin(UNIBEN).
The Pro-Chancellor of the university, ChiefDon Etiebet, was also part of the delegation.

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