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Friday 24 April 2015

X-Rated Teacher This teacher had sex with three of her teenage students

A former high school teacher accused of having sexual relationships with three of her teenage students took a plea deal Wednesday, crying as she accepted the agreement in court.

Two of the boys were 17 while a third was 16 when they were having sex with Brianne Altice, 35. One testified that he considered her to be his girlfriend during their yearlong sexual relationship.
But that won't keep her out of jail as Utah law also says a person cannot consent to sex if the other person is in a position of special trust. Altice, who taught high school English, pleaded guilty to three counts of forcible sexual abuse in exchange for prosecutors dropping 11 other counts, including several first-degree felonies.
The school authority knew about Altice's inappropriate behavior and didn't do enough to protect the students, the boys and their parents said. In a lawsuit against the Davis School District, they say the running joke at the high school was, "Who is Ms. Altice sleeping with now?"
Davis School District spokesman Chris Williams said he would love to comment on the allegations but that the civil lawsuit precludes him from saying anything. Prosecutor Susan Hunt said the three victims are on board with the plea deal.
Altice is scheduled to be sentenced on May 28 with each count carrying a possible sentence of 1 to 15 years in prison.
Altice's attorney, Ed Brass, said his client wanted to resolve a case to avoid risking an uncertain outcome at trial. Brass previously defended Altice, saying she was no longer the boys' teacher when the sex occurred.
Altice was first arrested in October 2013 after a student reported having a relationship with her. Two more victims later came forward with similar allegations.
Altice was out on bail during most of the criminal proceedings until allegations emerged earlier this year that she had sex with the third victim following her 2013 arrest. A judge ordered her to jail, where she's been for the three months.
Brass asked the judge Wednesday to let Altice out on bail until her sentencing, but the judge denied the request.
Altice was hired by the Davis County School District in 2004 and had been teaching at the high school since August 2012. She was put on leave from the school after the allegations came to light and later fired in February 2014.

#source: Pulse.Ng

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